Why Environmental Science and Engineering? (1/5)

霈軒 (Owen)
3 min readNov 3, 2022

It’s time to talk a little bit about myself, and why I am writing all these environmental articles with particular focuses on water, microbiology, and frogs. These truly are my interests, and I hope one day I could drive my career alongside my interests.

When I was around 12 years old, I remember vividly that one of my elementary school teachers mentioned the term “global warming”. Since then, global warming stays in my mind until now. Also because of my family, I knew I would like to do something to overcome the dilemma.

Then, I entered college and studied environmental engineering when I turned 18, and that was when I felt like I could possibly do anything to really impact the world. Just because I started studying environmental engineering. However, the reality is cruel, and it wasn’t what I thought.

That was when I realized the world is just so complex and big, and the society is big enough that can overwhelm every single individual. What I decided to do was to just follow the curriculum given by the university, and see what I could learn. Knowing this absolutely was not a good strategy, but I was not independently thinking which is something I learned later in my life.

I was fortunate enough to meet a life-changing professor in my second year of college. She is a microbiologist with a research focus on environmental microbes (Purple Nonsulfur Bacteria (PNB), Hydrogen Production Bacteria (HPB)). Not only she taught everyone at a decent pace, but more importantly, she also shared her life experience when she was studying microbes.

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Here is what she said:

Bacteria is my life-long research. The reason I love microbes is that they all do their jobs in a very efficient and harmonious way with their surroundings. We as humans should learn from them to execute things as efficiently as those microbes and be harmonious with our world.

Please also enjoy reading the story “Microbes and Environment”.

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I still could not forget how impactful this sentence is, and it truly affects my thoughts when making decisions. Since then, microbiology became one of my favorite subjects, and I always think of how different between me and bacteria when working on a designated job. The conclusion is I am very much inefficient when compared to microbes.

Because of the professor, I started to dive deeper into the microbiological world, and I realized how important microbes are in the entire ecosystem. We cannot possibly stay alive without microbes and remove all the pollution. Microbes ultimately are the final pollution remover in the world. It’s not the technology we developed, but microbes. This is actually the reason why I am so in love with microbes and keep wanting to do more whenever I could.

After my sophomore year, the professor retired, but we still constantly stay in touch and I keep learning valuable life experiences from her. I’ll continue writing the series and sharing my thoughts to study environmental engineering and work as an environmental engineer!

See you next time! Hope you enjoy reading it.

My name is Owen. If you like my posts why not treat me to a cup of coffee?



霈軒 (Owen)

An Environmental Engineer who loves Nature and Frogs! Let’s enjoy what the Earth brings to us and secure it! // 熱愛大自然、熱愛青蛙的環境工程師 // 讓我們一起遨遊並沈浸在大自然中吧!